Chechen (or nakhskiya) language belongs to the nakho-Dagestan family of languages and goes back roots to the most classic hurrito-urartsky languages of the Lobby of Asia and the Caucasus. Nowadays to actually nakhsky languages carry the Chechen, Ingush and batsbiysky languages. Languages of the Abkhaz-Adyghe group also have relationship with the nakho-Dagestan languages through the most ancient sinoseverokavkazsky parent language arisen in the Middle East.
Settling by the most ancient person of the territory of Chechnya took place not less than 100 — 40 thousand years ago. After the termination of the last ice age within one thousand USh-UP BC there is a migration into the North Caucasus of neolytic tribes from upper courses of the Tiger and Efrat and the territory of modern Iran. In 1U-Sh of thousand BC North Caucasian autochthonic tribes make transition from stone instruments of labor to metal and reach a certain level of a civilization. On the Caucasian isthmus there are developed archaeological cultures: Maikop and kuro-araksky, being coevals of ancient Egypt and Sumer.
Ancestors of Chechens had undoubted genetic relationship with the population of all Caucasus, Forward Asia and Asia Minor. Cultural and language ties are traced with the most ancient civilizations of Entre Rios of the Tiger and Euphrates, with a hurrito-urartsky community, этрусками and the most ancient people of Europe – Basques.
The anthropological type of prachechenets was created finally as kavkasionsky group of so-called Caucasian subrace of the balkano-Caucasian type of evropeoidny race in the II—I millennium BC. During an era of late bronze and early iron kavkasionets occupied the southern and northern slopes of Greater Caucasus Range between Black and Caspian by seas, being engaged mainly in agriculture, cattle breeding and the crafts connected with processing of metal, a stone, skin, a bone and clay. Here on the local soil there were two autochthonic archaeological cultures: kayakentsko-harachoyevsky and kobansky which were the general also for ancestors of mountaineers of Georgia, the Ossetian, Balkars, Karachays, Ingushs and Dagestanis.
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