The Lezghin people are one of the most ancient native people playing large role in a political system of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, in its economic, spiritual and cultural development. The people living in the east of the Caucasus, in the state the Caucasian Albania, close to each other, both on language, and on culture were ancestors modern the Lezgian. For the history the Albanian state was exposed more than once to various aggressive invasions of Romans, Persians. Till VII century of our era the Caucasian Albania managed to keep the integrity, despite all attempts of aggressors. The gain of the Caucasian Albania belongs to the VII century Arabs and distribution among the lezginoyazychny people of Islam. After the Arab gain Albania was divided into some administrative units, including a kingdom of Laks which population was made by the Lezgians forced out from flat areas and other lezginoyazychny people. XIII-XIV centuries. are noted by campaigns the Khazar, кыпчаков, Mongols on the Lezgian. After the tataro-Mongolian invasion during the XIV-XVIII centuries the Caucasus was taken more than once Turks, Persians. So as a result of lifting of national liberation fight of the Lezghin people headed by great commander Hagi-Daudom Mushkyurskim the Iranian expansion was stopped and the Persian aggressors led by the Iranian governor the Nadir shah were crushed. In the middle of the XVIII century in the territory of moving of the lezginoyazychny people independent khanates, free societies started being formed. By the end of the XVIII century almost all feudal possessors realized that Russia in comparison with Iran and Turkey is stronger and reliable support and therefore tried to strengthen the relations with it. From 1802 to 1804 many khanates including Lezghin, accepted the Russian citizenship.
In the 60th years of the XIX century there were some administrative changes. The Samursky district and the Kyurinsky khanate were a part of the Dagestan area, and the Cuban province - to the Baku province. Khanates were liquidated, Lezgians will of imperial officials were divided between two provinces, and then and the states. This division remains and to this day.

During a socialism era, with the birth of the new states Lezgians at first were divided by administrative borders within uniform political space of the USSR. With disintegration of the USSR Lezgians against the will appeared as a part of the different states. Between the southern and northern Lezgians the rigid frontier was established. After disintegration of the USSR the Lezghin people got under strong pressure on the one hand again appeared sovereign states, and on the other side of imperious and economic clans. Unfortunately, the Lezghin people weren't ready to the changed political system, couldn't rally as uniform ethnos.Now the Lezghin people consist of 11 closely related nationalities. Besides the Lezgian also lezginoyazychny Tabasarans, Rutuls, Aguls, Tsakhurs, Udis, Kryz, Budukhs, Archi enter into him, hinalugi and haputi. Varieties of national cultures is a condition of existence of universal culture. Each national culture is general achievement of mankind, and the destruction, any people or its culture is loss for all mankind as a whole.
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